
Can You Make As Much Money On Bigstock As Istock And Shutterstock

On average, stock photographers make $0.02 per prototype per month with stock photos, while professionals make $0.05–$0.25/month. Royalty-free sales earn between $0.10 and $99.fifty, while extended licenses bring upwardly to $500.

Each stock photo earns 0.02_month

The data in this post is the result of in-depth enquiry, personal experience, and numbers provided past stock photographers.


  • Stock photographers earn $0.02 per month per photo, while professionals earn $0.05–$0.25/month per photo.
  • You can earn $0.10–$2.24/paradigm for subscription-based purchases and up to $99.50 for on-need.
  • Stock photograph agencies pay $0.32 per auction of a royalty-free license.
  • Stocsky pays the highest commissions, up to $200 per royalty-free sale and $eight,100 per extended license.
  • The Shutterstock contributor program pays out the most money to photographers.
  • Stock photo agencies' algorithms favor consistent uploaders.
  • Your sales will drop after you stop uploading photos.
  • To make a full-fourth dimension living with stock photography, y'all need to upload around 200,000 photos in total and an additional several hundred a month.

How much do agencies pay per sale?

Earnings per photo vary a lot among agencies. Unfortunately, the earnings from stock photography take been steadily dropping over the years, mainly because stock photo agencies have been consistently lowering the rewards for images sold.

Mean earnings per royalty-free license sale

The earnings as well depend on how much you sell. Nowadays, nigh every stock photo bureau pays based on your contributor level.

In the table beneath, you'll find minimum and maximum earnings, likewise equally earnings for extended license sales.

Agency Minimum Maximum Extended license Read more than
Shutterstock $0.10 $v.fourscore $39.fourscore Review
iStock & GettyImages $0.x $sixteen.xx $113.40 Review
YayImages $0.10 $10.00 $25.00
123RF $0.22 $24.00 $77.88
BigStock $0.25 $0.50 $29.70
Canstockphoto $0.25 $5.00 $25.00
Depositphotos $0.30 $5.88 $37.38 Review
Adobe Stock & Fotolia $0.33 $3.30 $26.40 Review
Dreamstime $0.34 $x.10 $40.eighty Review
Photocase $1.52 $16.50 $110.00
Alamy $iv.00 $99.50 /
Stocksy $vii.l $200.00 $75,00–8,100
Minimum, maximum, and extended license earnings

You can observe that some agencies pay a lot more than than others. Alamy, for example, pays a lot for each image sold.

While it might seem alluring to rush to such agencies, you lot must realize that Alamy sells a lot fewer images than Shutterstock, for example. Thus, you might earn more at Shutterstock, thanks to the numbers alone.

To sum up, I recommend you upload the aforementioned stock paradigm to as many stock photo sites as possible to maximize your earnings. However, be aware that some agencies require you to be exclusive to them.

How Much Practice Photographers Actually Earn By Selling Stock Photos?

I asked photographers how much they earn with stock photography and how many photos they've uploaded and so far. Some even shared interesting communication that volition help you become a better stock photographer yourself.

KL Douglas ($0.013/month/photo)

Towards the terminate of February 2020, KL Douglas uploaded xxx photos to Shutterstock and waited until the end of August. In 6 months, Douglas made 10 sales that totaled $ii.25.

Overall, Douglas' sales averaged $0.013 per month per photo uploaded.

Rachel Lerch ($0.05/month/photo)

Rachel Lerch shares educational photography videos on her YouTube channel.

"Information technology takes a lot of time to plan your shoots, to go out, to take the photographs, to edit the photographs, add your keywords, practice the descriptions, upload to stock photography, and and then wait …" she said.

To maximize your earnings, you should upload consistently. "The way the search engines work /…/ you're going to do best if you upload minor amounts of images on a consistent basis". Stock photography is often used in the news, hence: "New images sell improve than onetime images".

Rachel uploaded around 2,000 images to Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and iStock/GettyImages. By uploading regularly, Rachel earned around $100-$200+ per month per stock photo agency. However, when she stopped uploading, her earnings dropped to $thirty-$xl per calendar month per stock photograph agency after a couple of months.

During the height of sales, Rachel averaged $0.23 per month per photo uploaded. After a while, this average lowered to $0.05 per month per photo uploaded.

Oliver Rex ($0.ten/calendar month/photograph)

Oliver King explains his first ten months with stock photography in a YouTube video. He has uploaded 410 images to mostly Shutterstock, but likewise to BigStock and some videos to Blackbox. Over the 10 months, he averaged $ix.50/month in sales. Nevertheless, he noticed a snowball effect. During the commencement couple of months, he sold zilch. After a while, sales started rolling in until he made $40 in month 10. In calendar month x, Oliver averaged $0.ten per month per photo uploaded.

Luka Ažman

Epitome Date uploaded Total earnings Earnings/calendar month
1 Nov 2015 $8,647.21 $139.47
2 February 2016 $7,711.68 $130.71
three Sept 2015 $4,744.25 $74.xiii
Luka's all-time selling photos (Credit: Luka Ažman)

Withal impressive the numbers, keep in heed that these are his top 3 images. Luka uploaded several other images that generated a lot less and some that didn't bring whatsoever sales. Unfortunately, Luka did not want to share his total number of uploads and earnings.

Photerloo – James ($0.21/month/photograph)

James from Photerloo has started uploading stock photos in 2012. Until 2018, he has made over $30k, although he uploaded less than another photographers. His success probably comes from the theme of his photos – he photographs his travels.

Photerloo James - selling stock photos graph
James @Photerloo stock photograph sales (Credit: James @Photerloo)

In 2018, James uploaded a total of 628 photos to 23 unlike stock photograph agencies. Nevertheless, almost 50% of his earnings came from Shutterstock lone. Considering that he uploaded 628 photos to each of 23 stock photo agencies, James earned an average of $0.03 per month per image uploaded. Notwithstanding, James earned $0.21 per month per image uploaded by considering simply the all-time paying websites.

Laurence Jones ($0.003/month/photo)

Laurence Jones from KidsNautrally Photography has uploaded 650 images (mostly buildings at night, textures, landscapes, old route signs, etc.) to Alamy over the terminal three years. In total, he has sold iv images for $95, which earned him $36.

Considering that some images haven't been alive for 3 years, Laurence earned around $0.003 per calendar month per photograph uploaded. Laurence reckons he could be more successful if he uploaded more images (I agree). They are non unique enough (as well true; it'southward challenging to upload unique or original images present). Still, to his credit, 650 is a respectable number of images.

In my opinion, Laurence could drastically better his earnings past uploading images to multiple stock photo sites. For instance, Shutterstock is the most profitable stock photo contributor program for the majority of photographers. It's responsible for more than 50% of all income for some of them.

If y'all're also a stock photographer and you'd similar to share your earnings, images uploaded, and other details, feel costless to reach out to me. I'll upload thorough and interesting contributions to this post. Go far touch.

How To Earn More than With Stock Photography?

As promised, I'll now bear witness y'all how to brand more than with stock photos without uploading thousands of them. Here are five actionable tips you tin can utilize right away.

  1. Discover fresh & unique motives
  2. Pay attending to limerick
  3. Advisedly edit photos
  4. Exist precise with keywords
  5. Monitor your progress and learn from it

1. Discover fresh & unique motives

Stock photography is insanely competitive. So it isn't easy to stand up out from the crowd by uploading genetic photos. Only it's non hopeless. If you lot wish to succeed past selling photos, you lot can proceed in i of two ways:

  1. Notice fresh and emerging topics (piece of cake way);
  2. Discover new ways to depict the same thing (hard way).

If I were you lot, I'd opt for the first one because it'south a lot easier. The general idea is that thousands of photos are uploaded on topics like "office" or "dog".

Shutterstock searches for keyword dog
Searching for "domestic dog" on Shutterstock returns almost 4 one thousand thousand results (Credit: Shutterstock)

But, for example, when the Coronavirus was first mentioned, there were virtually no images on the topic. And the demand was huge.

The best way to find such topics is to read news, be agile on Reddit, or you tin can let others inform you. A peachy tool that does it for you lot is Exploding Topics. At that place are free and premium plans.

Also, when yous find a promising topic, you lot need to exist quick. Don't look for a month. You need to upload photos of the emerging topic as presently as possible, ideally within a couple of days. Because estimate what? Other stock photographers will also notice it.

2. Pay attention to composition

Nailing the composition is even more than of import for stock photos because the individuals purchasing stock photos are designers and website owners. And they value esthetics, much more than the average Joe liking your Instagram posts.

Many stock photo agencies only accept photos with perfect or awesome compositions. And they make it clear by making information technology their tiptop recommendation for contributors. If you think this is your weak spot, you can start past reading more near the rule of thirds – the basics.

Rule of Thirds tree 1.jpg
An example of the dominion of thirds

Getting the composition right won't only improve your acceptance rate but also your sales on uploaded photos.

three. Advisedly edit photos

Yous don't need to get fancy with post-processing to sell an image. Less edited and natural-looking photos sell improve than creative shots. But that's not what I'm referring to here. Past over-editing photos, you can quickly dethrone their quality past:

  • Introducing noise;
  • Introducing halo around the edges (happens when yous oversharpen);
  • Crushing the highlights and shadows (creating a also HDR epitome);
  • Oversaturation;
  • Adding likewise much contrast.

SIDENOTE. Oversharpening is one of the chief causes of low prototype quality among beginners. Acquire how to acuminate to avoid it.

To larn how to edit photos like a pro, you lot'll need to practice editing photos. It will come to you lot naturally after a while. If you don't have photo editing software, I recommend the post-obit two:

  • For beginners: Luminar AI (read my review) is super-like shooting fish in a barrel to use mostly thanks to AI tools that practise all the piece of work for you.
  • For pros: Lightroom (read my review) offers advanced photograph management, HDR merging, panoramas, and all the basic and masking tools you need to create crawly images.

4. Exist precise with keywords

Spot-on keywording is how potential customers are going to detect your photos. So information technology's vital that yous only add keywords relevant to your photos, pregnant they should describe it equally closely as possible. Calculation keywords is a tedious task. I've always hated information technology. And then I found 2 means around information technology:

  1. Some stock photo contributor programs help you add keywords by recognising the object in your photos. Utilize these tools and even copy these keywords to another stock photo agency.
  2. Use third party software. I recently found Excire Foto & Search 2, which beside helping your manage your photos, automatically adds keywords to them. Read more than well-nigh information technology.

5. Monitor your progress and larn from it

The all-time way to increase your sales is to monitor your sales. If you see that some photos sell a lot ameliorate than the others, and that'south what happens, analyse them. Discover a tendency or a common numerator. Here are a few things to look into:

  • Did you lot keyword those photos better than the others?
  • Do they have a common editing manner?
  • Are the people in it?
  • Did you find a new topic?

If y'all haven't made many sales even so, this communication does non currently apply to you lot. You're still in the first stage of adding as many high-quality photos as possible. Come back to this one later. Bookmark information technology, if necessary.

Is selling stock photos worth it?

If y'all're looking to brand some pocket money with photography, selling stock photos is a decent way to practise then. Y'all won't be able to retire on stock photography lone, merely it's the easiest way for beginners to make some money with photography. I, for one, dislike selling my stock photos for numerous reasons:

  1. Stock photography disvalues fine art. Getting $0.10 for an image for which I had to work hard and purchase hundreds, if non thousands, of dollars worth of equipment is silly.
  2. Uploading to several stock photo agencies, calculation descriptions, keywords, titles, etc. is extremely time-consuming.
  3. The best-selling stock photos are usually quite generic. I don't like taking such photographs.

Regardless of my poor opinion of selling stock photos, I recommend yous requite it a attempt and class your own stance. You might cease up liking information technology and making a lot of money.

What's Next?

Earning money by selling stock photos is notwithstanding possible, despite loftier competition. Past regularly uploading high-quality stock images (and videos), you can gradually build an impressive portfolio that volition earn you upward to hundreds of dollars per month. Notwithstanding, to make stock photography your chief income source, you'll have to go all in.


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