
What Size Tree Skirt For 7.5 Foot Tree

If you are in the market for a new Christmas tree brim, the number one question yous may have is what size Christmas tree brim exercise I need?

christmas tree skirtThere is a wide range of sizes for a tree skirt from a small 21 inch skirt for a tabletop or mini Christmas tree to a huge 56 inch brim that would piece of work for the largest Christmas trees.

The size of the tree skirt you demand for your Christmas tree depends on two main things:

  • The size of your Christmas tree
  • How much of the tree brim do y'all desire to run into effectually the tree

Choosing the Right Size Christmas Tree Skirt for Your Tree

The first affair that you should practice is to measure the diameter of the widest bottom role of your tree. All yous accept to do is to have a tape mensurate and measure all the way around the lesser in a circumvolve.

Option #i – Use Your Tree Skirt As An Attending Grabbing Decoration

If yous want the tree skirt to be seen under the tree and to act as a decoration that is made to be seen, so you would need a tree skirt that is simply as wide equally the bottom of your tree or larger.

For example, if your tree measures 45 inches in diameter at the base of the branches, then you could get with a tree skirt that is 48 inches in diameter. This size skirt would have the outer of the edge exist slightly longer than the branches on the bottom of the tree.

You could always go bigger with a 56 inch tree brim in that situation too and really accept the tree skirt act equally a divide ornamentation to add to the look of your tree.

Option #2 – Apply Your Tree Skirt To Simply Simply Encompass Your Tree Stand up

On the other paw, if you but want a obviously tree skirt and or y'all plan on having other decor items around the base of your tree, you can go with a smaller tree skirt.

Simply make certain that the skirt is large enough that it covers your entire tree stand so you lot don't see it sticking out. You want the skirt o be as large as the stand as well as slightly longer so it hangs over the stand as well.

If you lot were going for that look and your tree measured 45 inches in bore you would want to go with a tree skirt that measures around 44 inches or fifty-fifty 38 inches. This even so gives yous plenty of fabric to cove the the base of the tree only won't stand out too much underneath.

What Size Tree Skirt For a 6-7 Foot Christmas Tree?

For an average 6-7 pes tree, the most popular size tree skirt is between 48-56 inches. This usually ends upward being correct around the same length of the longest branches on the tree or slightly smaller.

If you have a slimmer pencil shaped Christmas tree you may find that you like the 48 inch brim rather than the larger l+ size.

For a mini tree or even a tabletop tree, I would go with a 21 inch tree skirt but I have seen some every bit modest as 15 inches.

Equally you tin can see at that place is really no "right" or "wrong" size tree brim for your tree. Equally long as it covers your entire tree stand base and you like the look of it, then information technology'south perfect for your family's Christmas tree.

Do Yous Need A Christmas Tree Skirt?

Maybe you aren't really sold on having a tree skirt or you lot simply are just wondering if you lot can salvage some money and become without one under your tree.

Here are a few benefits of Christmas tree skirts.

  • They cover the tree stand as about are non very highly-seasoned to look.
  • They give your Christmas tree a finishing touch to consummate the decorating
  • They tin can exist used to incorporate a sure Christmas tree theme into your decorating.
  • They help continue some pine needles that fall  of the tree off your floor.

If yous are wondering about the tradition of Christmas tree skirts at that place is a long history behind them. Christmas tree skirts are a tradition dating years and year back when candles instead of bulbs were used to light Christmas copse. They would made the melted wax cleanup much easier.

christmas tree box skirtOf course over the years, Christmas tree skirts have taken on a new look and fashion. They have grown from simple pieces of cloth to ornate and decorative pieces.

That doesn't hateful that you lot necessarily take to buy a new Christmas tree skirt (although it's a lot of fun to get shopping for new Christmas decorations). At that place are some alternatives that yous can consider that have the aforementioned benefits.

Christmas Tree Brim Alternatives

Ane await that is becoming quite popular nowadays besides is having your tree in a bucket, basket, or even box instead of having a tree skirt. You tin can even find some metal tree collars that look like buckets that work perfectly for going around the tree stand up.

These types of decorations tend to piece of work really well with  more rustic, farmhouse or natural decorated Christmas trees.

If you lot are looking to salve some money this Christmas recollect that yous tin can utilize other items every bit a Christmas tree brim alternative besides. Items such every bit blankets, extra fabric you may have or even scarves can exist wrapped effectually the tree stand up and human activity as a skirt as well.

What Size Tree Skirt For 7.5 Foot Tree,


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