The Difference Between Newborn and Size 1 Diapers

Size 1 diapers - How many do you need

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Babies grow at different rates, sometimes quickly, and you lot might wonder how long do babies wear size 1 diapers every bit you try to plan.

Planning and figuring out how many diapers to buy is catchy. All it takes is one growth spurt, and your babe will be in the next size of diapers.

How are y'all supposed to accept advantage of diaper deals if yous can't effigy out how long your babe will exist in the size of diapers?

Babies abound at an boilerplate rate of 2lbs per month. Based on that statistic, near babies will wear size 1 diapers for upward to iii months at a time, only there is no perfect science to figure information technology out.

That'southward why we put together this ultimate guide to size i diapers so you tin can figure out how many size one diapers yous volition need for your baby.



The first affair that parents need to empathise is that diaper sizes are determined by weight, so how fast your baby wears a specific diaper size is based on how fast they abound. The length of time your infant stays in ane size varies significantly from baby to infant.

Babies all grow at a unlike rate. Your dr. volition tell y'all a percent range that your infant is in when they get weighed at all of their appointments. Doctors chart all of their patients on a chart that looks like a wave to assistance track weight. Information technology also lets you know if your baby's weight is average or not.

Many factors affect your baby'southward growth rate; no babe grows the same, fifty-fifty siblings! Some of these factors include:

  • Formula vs. Breastfeeding
  • Family health
  • Length of gestation
  • Nativity weight
  • Illnesses

The listing goes on and on. That's why it'south difficult to decide how long your baby will clothing a specific size of the diaper. Your baby may stay in ane size for a few months, then wear the adjacent size for only a few weeks earlier jumping to the next one.



Each major (and generic) make of diapers on the market has its own weight range for diapers. Sometimes, your baby volition motility out of a size in one diaper brand just not another because they fit differently.

Hither are the general diaper sizes for brands.

  • Newborn: 0-10lbs
  • Size 1: 8-14lbs
  • Size 2: 12-18lbs
  • Size 3: 16-26lbs

As you meet, the weight overlaps, and other factors go into your baby's diaper sizing, like if they're tall or short.


If yous want to purchase diapers ahead of time, you might wonder how long practice babies wear size one diapers so that you tin buy the correct amount.

Unfortunately, it differs from baby to baby, so figuring that out is nearly impossible because it varies widely for babies. Some babies begin wearing size one diapers at birth; many babies are in the 8-9lb range and fit well into size one diapers. They might utilise newborn diapers until the umbilical string stump falls off, but that but takes a week or 2.

Most babies use size 1 diapers within the first month or two after birth. Babies stay in size 1 diapers for two to four months later on they start using them.

If your babe started using size one diapers at birth, they should wear this size for two months. If your baby wears size one diapers after newborn diapers, your baby might grow out of size one diapers when he is iii to four months quondam.

On average, babies grow 2lbs per month for the start six months of his or her life. Nonetheless, some babies grow faster than this or slower than this charge per unit. If your kid is 8lbs at birth, they can offset using size one diapers at birth and might outgrow size 1 diapers past the fourth dimension he is ii months old.

If your child is 6lbs at birth, he won't phase into size one diapers until he is over one calendar month former. Then, it will take another ii to three months to outgrow this diaper size.



Parents e'er wonder whether or not they should buy newborn diapers or size one diapers. If you have babies in the upper weight range of newborn diapers, it's tempting to skip that size and spring right into size ane.

Is that the all-time choice?

Let's accept a look.

The Deviation Between Newborn and Size 1 Diapers

Standard newborn diapers fit babies upwardly to 10lbs, but all diaper brands and all babies are different. Most standard size i diapers fit babies 8-14lbs.

One departure between newborn and size i diapers is that newborn diapers have a cut-out or dip for an umbilical cord stump. Information technology's not necessarily a characteristic of every diaper brand considering some don't take information technology. Still, it's a prissy convenience that stops the diaper from rubbing and pushing the stump off prematurely.

On the other hand, size ane diapers don't accept an umbilical string cut-out, so well-nigh parents fold downward the front of the diaper to prevent it from rubbing the cord.

If your infant is larger at nascency, it'southward possible to wear size one diapers in the hospitals. Almost hospitals deport them since it'due south possible to know what size a infant will be at nascence.

The well-nigh significant differences between a newborn and a size one diaper are that newborns have an umbilical string dip and are meant for babies under 10lbs.

Tin I Employ Size 1 Diapers on a Newborn?

Absolutely! It's non unusual for babies to weigh 8lbs at birth, and that's when most size one diapers brainstorm. Parents can use newborn diapers until the string stump falls out and change up to size ane diapers. Some other option is to start at size one diapers immediately.

As long as your baby fits appropriately into size one diapers, there is no reason y'all cannot starting time with them as a newborn.



It'southward possible to buy diapers ahead of fourth dimension, but information technology's an guess.

And then, nosotros recommend that you don't open diapers alee of fourth dimension and keep track of where yous buy them. That way, if yous practise over buy and are looking what to do with extra diapers, yous'll by and large likely have the choice to exchange at the shop you brought them at for a different size.

Many parents dearest to buy diapers alee of time, especially when you find a good sale. So, it can be helpful to figure out how many disposable diapers you'll need and buy based on the average amount of diaper changes per mean solar day for each size.

Using a estimator is the best way to figure out how many diapers y'all should stockpile. They wait at the weight and how many diapers babies tend to use based on their age. It's all-time not to buy too many because babies take growth spurts that might cause random growth.



Afterwards a while, your babe volition outgrow a diaper size, and you need to know when it's time to size upward. In that location are a few signs that it's fourth dimension to change sizes.

Frequent Diaper Blowouts

The near common size that your babe needs to move upward a diaper size is frequent diaper blowouts. If your diapers all of a sudden start to leak more than earlier, whether it'south pee or poop, it's typically the time to size upwardly the diapers.

Hard to Secure Diaper Tags

If you detect that you have to pull harder to secure the diaper tags or that your baby has ruby-red marks on his legs or waistline, your baby is ready for the next size up. Sometimes, the diaper tabs start to popular open because they're stretched too far.

This isn't comfortable for your baby; it's time to size up!

Weight is on the High End

Before you lot purchase a new box of diapers, e'er look at the weight range. If your baby's weight is on the higher end of their recommended sizing, information technology's a practiced idea to start buying the adjacent size upwardly.

For example, if the weight range is 12-18lbs, and your baby is 17lbs, information technology's time to size up.

Frequent Diaper Rashes

Another sign that your baby needs another diaper size is frequent diaper rashes. While applying diaper cream can help with a diaper rash, it is a properly fitting diaper that brings in airflow that helps to avert diaper rashes.

When your baby wears a too-small-scale diaper, information technology leads to leaking, redness, and soreness. After you rule out whatsoever food-related bug, alter the diaper size.


Figuring out how long practice babies wear size one diapers is like figuring out how long your babe will wear a specific size of clothes – impossible.

Babies abound and develop at dissimilar rates, so one infant might be a slow grower while some other takes off like a rocket. Endeavor non to purchase also many diapers of one size to avoid ending upwardly with tons of actress diapers.


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